The Bus And The Differently Abled Boy 

It was a normal working day and I had to take a bus to the office that day.  Amidst the heavy crowd, I managed to get a seat somehow. It was a seat next to the window. Like any other girl who would love to ride sitting near the window, I was enjoying my ride. The bus was two stops away from my destination and a lady with a boy came and stood next to me. The boy was mentally-challenged. He was not able to speak but tried to convey his message to his mother through actions and sign language. The lady made the boy sit near me and she stood beside him. First, for a few minutes, the boy was silent then he started to scream and frantically jump asking his mom to sit next to him. He was a well-grown boy but was not mature enough to comprehend things for his age. 

I was surprised by his reaction, I politely got up from my seat and asked the boy's mother to sit with him. She insisted that I sit and she would handle him. But the boy was whimsically screaming pulling his mother and asking her to sit next to him. I replied to his mother that I was about to get down and asked her to take the seat. Finally, she sat next to him. 

" Never let the behavior of others disturb you! " 

Sometimes in life, we may have to encounter situations where things may have turned sour or the situation may have turned against you. You may have not done anything wrong, still, life may have put you in an unimaginable problem. It might have been with a best friend you knew for years, or a person u just met or your spouse or your sibling, anyone for that matter. They may have encroached upon your self -respect or self-esteem and you may have not done anything wrong. Every one of us may have met with such a situation at least once in our lives. 

Under such a situation how do we handle things? How do we pacify ourselves? How do we free ourselves of the pain of being hurt?. Like the above situation in the bus where the boy was mentally challenged, we did not get angry or feel bad because the boy was mentally challenged, likewise, each of us has a challenge, a mental challenge and that is the reason why we hurt others. If one realizes that when someone hurts you it is not because the fault is on your side but they themselves are struggling a battle within themselves. In the boy's scenario, it is evident since we can see it, but in most of the other cases, we miss seeing the other person's point of view, the fact that they are already in pain.

Only those who are not in peace with themselves spill their pain on to others. If we are mature enough to understand this fact and handle such people we can be at peace. In fact, we should wish them healing. Never let the behavior of others disturb you! 
